Marco Laffranchi
Development of a new LAr Purity Monitor: Design of the
September 2000
Salvatore Mangano
Misura della risoluzione angolare in film di emulsioni nucleari per l'esperimento OPERA
September 2000 (ausgeführt an der Universität Neapel, Italien)
ETHZ-Members of the NOMAD Collaboration:
A. Badertscher, A. Bueno, J. Rico, A. Rubbia
ETHZ-Members of the ICARUS Collaboration:
A. Badertscher, A. Bueno, M. Campanelli, C. Carpanese Cossutti, L. Knecht, I. Gil Botella,
M. Laffranchi, B. Lisowski, G. Natterer, S. Navas
Concha, J. Rico, A. Rubbia, N. Sinanis
ETHZ-Members of the CMS Collaboration:
A. Badertscher, A. Bueno, M. Campanelli, C. Carpanese Cossutti, J.
Rico, A. Rubbia, N. Sinanis
ICARUS Collaboration: F. Arneodo et al.
Determination of through-going tracks' direction by means of
-rays in the ICARUS liquid argon time
projection chamber
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A449 (2000) 42-47.
ICARUS Collaboration: F. Arneodo et al.
First Observation of 140-cm Drift Ionizing Tracks in the ICARUS Liquid-Argon TPC
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A449 (2000) 36-41.
ICARUS Collaboration: F. Arneodo et al.
Scintillation Efficiency of Nuclear Recoil in Liquid Xenon
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A449 (2000) 147-157.
ICARUS Collaboration: F. Arneodo et al.
Study of solar neutrinos with the 600 t liquid argon ICARUS detector
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A455 (2000) 376-389.
A. Bueno, M. Campanelli, A. Rubbia
Physics potential at the neutrino factory: can we benefit from more than just detecting muons?
Nucl. Phys. B589 (2000) 577-608.
A. Bueno, M. Campanelli, A. Rubbia
Direct detection of Earth matter effects (MSW) in flavor oscillations at neutrino beams from stored muon
Nucl. Phys. B573 (2000) 27-39.
A. Blondel, A. Bueno, M. Campanelli, A. Cervera, D.B. Cline, J. Collot, M. de Jong,
A. Donini,
F. Dydak, R. Edgecock, M.B. Gavela, J.J. Gomez-Cadenas,
M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia, P. Gruber,
D.A. Harris, P. Hernandez, Y. Kuno,
P.J. Litchfield, K. McFarland, O. Mena, P. Migliozzi,
V. Palladino, J. Panman,
I.M. Papadopoulos, A. Para, C. Pena-Garay, P. Perez, S. Rigolin,
A. Romanino,
A. Rubbia, P. Strolin, S. Wojcicki
(Geneva U. & Zurich, ETH & Valencia U. & UCLA & Grenoble U. & NIKHEF,
Amsterdam & Madrid, Autonoma U. & CERN & Rutherford & Fermilab & Rochester
U. & KEK, Tsukuba & Naples U. & INFN, Naples & DAPNIA, Saclay & Michigan
U. & Oxford U. & Stanford U., Appl. Mech. Dept.).
The Neutrino Factory: Beam and Experiments
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A451 (2000) 102-122.
M. Campanelli, A. Bueno, A. Rubbia
Matter Effects with very long Baselines at the Neutrino
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A451 (2000) 207-215.
M. Campanelli, A. Bueno, A. Rubbia
Oscillations Appearance with
Kinematic Approach at very long Baselines (VLBL)
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A451 (2000) 176-181.
NOMAD Collaboration: P. Astier et al.
Measurement of the
Polarization in
charged current Interactions in the
NOMAD Experiment
Nucl. Phys. B588 (2000) 3-36.
NOMAD Collaboration: P. Astier et al.
Neutrino Production of opposite Sign Dimuons in the NOMAD Experiment
Phys. Lett. B486 (2000) 35-48.
NOMAD Collaboration: P. Astier et al.
Updated Results from the
Appearance Search in NOMAD
Phys. Lett. B483 (2000) 387-404.
NOMAD Collaboration: P. Astier et al.
Search for
(pseudo)scalar penetrating Particles in the SPS Neutrino Beam
Phys. Lett. B479 (2000) 371-380.
NOMAD Collaboration: P. Astier et al.
Limit on
Oscillations from the NOMAD Experiment
Phys. Lett. B471 (2000) 406-410.
CMS Collaboration: G. Antchev et al.
A software approach for readout and data acquisition in CMS
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 47 (2000) 250-255.
G. Antchev, E. Cano, S. Chatellier, S. Cittolin, D. Gigi, J. Gutleber, C. Jacobs, F. Meijers,
L. Orsini, L.
Pollet, A. Racz, D. Samyn, N. Sinanis (CERN), S. Erhan (UCLA), P. Sphicas (Zurich, ETH)
The CMS event builder demonstrator based on myrinet
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 47 (2000) 293-298.
ICARUS Collaboration: C. Vignoli et al.
ICARUS 600 ton: a Status Report
Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 85 (2000) 119-124.
A. Rubbia
Long Baseline Accelerator Neutrino Experiments: Present and
Acta Phys. Polon. B31 (2000) 1287-1311.
A. Rubbia
Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillations Projects
Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 81 (2000) 153-166.
A. Rubbia
ICANOE and OPERA experiments at the LNGS / CNGS
19th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2000, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada,
16-21 Jun 2000, 8pp. and e-Print Archive: hep-ex/0008071.
M. Campanelli
The experimental future of Neutrino Oscillations
IV Rencontres du Vietnam: Physics at extreme energies, Hanoi, Vietnam, July 19-25, 2000, hep-ex/0010006.
A. Bueno, M. Campanelli and A. Rubbia
Physics potential at a neutrino factory: can we benefit from more than just detecting muons?
ICARUS-TM-2000-01, April 30, 2000, pp.38.
ICARUS DAQ and ONLINE Subgroup: F. Arneodo et al.
ICARUS DAQ back-end hardware proposal
ICARUS-TM-2000-02, July 25, 2000, pp.10.
A. Badertscher, L. Knecht, M. Laffranchi, B. Lisowski, G. Natterer and A. Rubbia
Calibration of Pt1000 resistors for their usage as temperature sensors at low temperatures
ICARUS-TM-2000-03, September 20, 2000, pp. 11.
A. Bueno, M. Campanelli (Zurich, ETH), M. Laveder (Padua U. & INFN, Padua), J. Rico,
A. Rubbia (Zurich,
The flavor of neutrinos in muon decays at a neutrino factory and the LSND puzzle
ICARUS-TM-2000-04, October 2000 19pp and DFPD-00-EP-49 and e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0010308.
ICARUS Collaboration: F. Arneodo et al.
Operation of a 10 m
ICARUS Detector Module
ICARUS-TM-2000-06, December 25, 2000, pp. 4.
ICARUS Collaboration: F. Arneodo et al.
The ICARUS Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber
ICARUS-TM-2000-07, December 25, 2000, pp. 4.
C. Albright, G.
Anderson, V. Barger, R. Bernstein, G. Blazey, A. Bodek, E. Buckley Geer,
A. Bueno, M. Campanelli, D. Carey, D.
Casper, A. Cervera, C. Crisan, F. DeJongh,
S. Eichblatt, A. Erner, R. Fernow, D. Finley, J. Formaggio, J. Gallardo,
S. Geer, M. Goodman,
D. Harris, E. Hawker, J. Hill, R. Johnson, D. Kaplan, S. Kahn, B. Kayser, E. Kearns,
B.J. King,
H. Kirk, J. Krane, D. Krop, Z. Ligeti, J. Lykken, K. McDonald, K. McFarland,
I. Mocioiu, J. Morfin, H. Murayama, J.
Nelson, D. Neuffer, P. Nienaber, R. Palmer, S. Parke,
Z. Parsa, R. Plunkett, E. Prebys, C. Quigg, R. Raja, S.
Rigolin, A. Rubbia, H. Schellman,
M. Shaevitz, P. Shanahan, R. Shrock, P. Spentzouris, R. Stefanski, J. Stone, L.
Sulak, G. Unel,
M. Velasco, K. Whisnant, J. Yu, E.D. Zimmerman
(Argonne & Boston U. & Brookhaven & Michigan U. &
Columbia U. & Valencia U. & Valencia U., IFIC & Zurich, ETH
& Fermilab
& IIT, Chicago & Iowa State U. & Los Alamos & Marquette U. & NSF, Wash., D.C. & Northwestern U. & Princeton U.
& SUNY, Stony Brook & UC, Berkeley & UC, Irvine & Minnesota U.
& Rochester U. & Wisconsin U., Madison & Northern Illinois U.)
Physics at a neutrino factory
FERMILAB-FN-692, August 2000. 133pp. and e-Print Archive: hep-ex/0008064.
N. Holtkamp, (ed.), D.A. Finley, (ed.), T. Anderson, N. Andreev, C.M. Ankenbrandt,
S. Assadi, M. Atac, C. Bhat, V.I.
Balbekov, R. Bernstein, C. Bohn, D. Boehnlein, E. Buckley-
Geer, M. Carena, D. Carey, M. Champion, S. Childress, W.
Chou, D. Cossairt, F. DeJongh,
H.T. Diehl, A. Drozhdin, V. Dudnikov, D. Elvira, H. Edwards, S. Fang, B. Flora, M.
S.H. Geer, K. Gounder, J. Griffin, M. Harding, D.A. Harris, C. Jach, C. Jensen, D. Johnson,
C. Johnstone,
J. Johnstone, T. Jurgens, T. Kobilarcik, I. Kourbanis, G. Krafczyk, O.E. Krivosheev,
T. Lackowski, C. Laughton, P.
Lebrun, J. Leibfritz, J.D. Lykken, E. Malone, J. Marriner,
M. McAshan, D. McGinnis, J. MacLachlan, E. McCrory, F.E.
Mills, N.V. Mokhov, J. Monroe,
A. Moretti, D.V. Neuffer, K.Y. Ng, J. Ostiguy, S. Ohnuma, T. Peterson, H. Pfeffer, M.
Z. Qian, R. Raja, T. Raymond, J. Reid, A. Rowe, C. Schmidt, J. Sims, D. Snee, P. Spentzouris,
R. Stefanski,
J. Steimel, S. Striganov, D. Sun, I. Terechkine, J. Theilacker, A.V. Tollestrup,
A. Van Ginneken, S. Vejic, W. Wan,
D. Wolff, V. Wu, D. Wildman, J. Yu (Fermilab), D. Ayres,
M. Goodman, A. Hassanein, T. Joffe-Minor, D. Krakauer, J.H.
Norem, C.B. Reed, P. Schoessow,
D. Smith, R. Talaga, J. Thron, L.C. Teng, C. Wagner, C.X. Wang (Argonne), S. Berg,
E.B. Blum,
M. Blaskiewicz, R.C. Fernow, W. Fischer, J.C. Gallardo, W.S. Graves, R. Hackenburg, H. Huang,
S.A. Kahn,
J. Keane, B.J. King, H.G. Kirk, D. Lissauer, L.S. Littenberg, V. Lodestro, D. Lowenstein, W. Morse, R.B. Palmer, Z.
Parsa, F. Pilat, P. Pile, S. Protopopescu, P. Rehak, J. Rose,
T. Roser, A. Ruggiero, N.P. Samios, R. Samulyak, Y.
Semertzidis, I. Stumer, M.J. Tannenbaum,
V. Chernyatin, M. Todosow, D. Trbojevic, H. Wang, R. Weggel, J. Wei, W.T.
Weng, E.H. Willen, S.Y. Zhang, Y. Zhao (Brookhaven), G.I. Silvestrov, A.N. Skrinsky, T.A. Vsevolozhskaya
(Novosibirsk, IYF), E.S. Kim, G. Penn, J. Wurtele (UC, Berkeley, Astronomy Dept.), J.F. Gunion, Vilchez (UC, Davis),
D.B. Cline, Y. Fukui, A.A. Garren, K. Lee, Yu. Pishchalnikov (UCLA), B. Autin,
A. Blondel, R. Garoby, H. Haseroth, C.
Johnson, E. Keil, F. Zimmermann, L.J. Tavian, R. Losito, A. Lombardi, R. Scrivens (CERN), K.J. Kim, M.J. Oreglia, R.
Winston (Chicago U., Astron. Astrophys. Ctr.), A. Caldwell, J. Conrad, M. Shaevitz, F. Sciulli, W.J. Willis (Columbia
U.), D. Hartill, H. Padamsee, M. Tigner (Cornell U., LNS), A. Badertscher, A. Bueno, M. Campanelli,
C. Carpanese,
J. Rico, A. Rubbia, N. Sinanis (Zurich, ETH), D.R. Winn (Fairfield U.), M.S. Berger, G.G. Hanson, P. Schwandt
(Indiana U.), E.L. Black, D.M. Kaplan (IIT, Chicago),
Y. Onel (Iowa U.), V. Kazacha, A. Sidorov (Dubna, JINR), T.
Bolton (Kansas State U.),
R. Rossmanith (Karlsruhe U., EKP), Y. Kuno, Y. Mori, T. Yokoi (KEK, Tsukuba), S. Caspi,
Chattopadhyay, J. Corlett, S. Eylon, J. Fockler, M.A. Furman, M.A. Green, R. Gupta,
C.H. Kim, D. Li, A.D. McInturff,
R.M. Scanlan, A.M. Sessler, W.C. Turner, R.M. Yamamoto,
S. Yu, M. Zisman, M.S. Zolorotorev (LBL, Berkeley), I.F.
Ginzburg (Novosibirsk, IM), M. Berz,
R. York, A. Zeller, K. Makino (Michigan State U.), J.K. Nelson, E. Peterson
(Minnesota U.),
L. Cremaldi, D. Summers (Mississippi U.), J.H. Miller, S. Prestemon, S. Van Sciver, Y. Eyssa
(National High Magnetic Field Lab.), G. Blazey, M.A. Cummings, D. Hedin (Northern Illinois U.), C.K. Jung, R. Shrock,
Y. Torun (SUNY, Stony Brook), H. Schellman (Northwestern U.), J. Chesser, T. Gabriel, F.C. Gallmeier, J. Haines, R.A.
Lillie, T. McManamy, P. Spampinato, R. Taleyarkhan (Oak Ridge), J. Cobb (Oxford U.), A. Bazarko, C. Lu, K.T.
P.D. Meyers, E.J. Prebys (Princeton U., Plasma Physics Lab), I. Bogdanov, S. Kozub, V. Pleskach, P.
Shcherbakov, V. Sytnik, L. Tkachenko, V. Zubko (Serpukhov, IHEP), R. Bennett, R. Edgecock, D. Petyt (Rutherford), A.
Bodek, K.S. McFarland (Rochester U.), G. Apollinari, E.J.N. Wilson (Rockefeller U.), A. Seryi, D. Sprehn, D. Ritson
(SLAC), O. Benary (Tel Aviv U.), S.A. Bogacz, J. Delayen, D. Douglas, L. Harwood, G. Krafft, V. Lebedev, C. Leemann,
L. Merminga (Jefferson Lab), W.R. Leeson, A. Mahmood (Edinburgh U.), T. Patzak (Tufts U.), R.V. Kowalewski (Victoria
U.), V.D. Barger, T. Han (Wisconsin U., Madison)
A feasibility study of a neutrino source based on a muon
storage ring
FERMILAB-PUB-00-108-E, Jun 2000, 158pp. and submitted to Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams.
A. Bueno
The Neutrino Factory: machine concept, physics perspectives, R&D programme
International Workshop on Non-Accelerator New Physics in neutrino observations, JINR, Dubna, (RUS), July 21st,
A. Bueno
NNN00-Fermilab Workshop, Batavia, Illinois (USA), August 8, 2000.
M. Campanelli
Presente e futuro della fisica di neutrino con fasci di long-baseline
University of Bologna (I), February 3rd, 2000.
M. Campanelli
Present and future of Neutrino Physics with long-baseline beams
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), February 21st, 2000.
M. Campanelli
Present and future of Neutrino Physics with long-baseline beams
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL (USA), February 22nd, 2000.
M. Campanelli
ICANOE-like detector at the neutrino factory
Neutrino Factory Fermilab Workshop, Chicago, Ill. (USA), February 2000.
M. Campanelli
Report on the Fermilab workshop on Neutrino Factories
ECFA-CERN Meeting, CERN, Geneva (CH), April 2000.
M. Campanelli
Future Physics at Neutrino Factory
Seminar über Kern- und Teilchenphysik, ETH Zürich (CH), May 2nd, 2000.
M. Campanelli
Physics potential at a Neutrino Factory
NuFACT'00 Workshop, Monterey, CA (USA), May 23rd, 2000.
M. Campanelli
Long and Very Long-Baseline Accelerator Neutrino Experiments
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Palo Alto, CA (USA), May 25th, 2000.
M. Campanelli
The experimental future of neutrino oscillations
IV Rencontres du Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam, July 2000.
J. Rico
Latest oscillation results in NOMAD
14th Workshop in Particle Physics, La Thuile, Aosta Valley (I), February 28th, 2000.
J. Rico
Long baseline experiments at Gran Sasso
IV Rencontres du Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam, July 23rd, 2000.
A. Rubbia
Long baseline accelerator neutrino experiments: present and future
Cracow Epiphany Conference on Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics, Krakow, Poland, January 8th, 2000.
A. Rubbia
The status of the ICARUS experiment and future long baseline program
SPG-Tagung, Montreux (CH), March 16th, 2000.
A. Rubbia
Status of the ICARUS experiment and the future long baseline neutrino program at CERN
Talk in the Particle Physics Seminar at Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Villigen (CH), April 7th, 2000.
A. Rubbia
Neutrino Experiments: Past, Present and Future
Wolfgang Pauli - In Commemoration of his 100th Birthday; Wolfgang Pauli and Modern Physics, ETH
Zürich, May 5th, 2000.
A. Rubbia
Neutrino oscillations to the Gran Sasso
3ème Cycle de la Physique en Suisse Romande, FORUM of Swiss High Energy Physicists, Bern (CH), May 11th, 2000.
A. Rubbia
Neutrino Physics
Lecture LNF Spring School in Nuclear Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics, INFN, Frascati (I), May 17th, 2000.
A. Rubbia
Status of the ICANOE project
Seminar at the University of Geneva (CH), May 31st, 2000.
A. Rubbia
ICANOE and OPERA experiments at the LNGS/CNGS
Neutrino 2000, Sudbury, Canada, June 17th, 2000.
A. Rubbia
Long baseline neutrino experiment in Europe
Summer 2000 Workshop "Elementary Particles (experiment)", Aspen, CO (USA), July 3, 2000
A. Badertscher
Status installation sensors
ICARUS 600T Parameters Commitee Meeting, INFN, Pavia (I), July 25, 2000.
A. Bueno
Simulation: use of information readout by pads
ICANOE Updating Meeting, INFN, Milano (I), May 8th, 2000.
C. Carpanese
Scanning display status report
ICARUS Meeting, CERN, Geneva (CH), May 19th, 2000.
C. Carpanese
ICARUS DAQ back-end hardware proposal
ICARUS DAQ Meeting, INFN, Pavia (I), June 28th, 2000.
C. Carpanese
ICARUS DAQ - hardware proposal
ICARUS 600T Parameters Commitee Meeting, INFN, Pavia (I), July 25, 2000.
C. Carpanese
T600 DAQ status report and event display strategy
ICARUS Meeting, INFN Pavia (I), September 25th, 2000.
C. Carpanese
ICARUS: a status report on the T600 detector construction and its data
acquisition system
Doktorierendenseminar ETH/UNI an der Universität Zürich (CH), Oktober 3rd, 2000.
C. Carpanese
Readout system status report
ICARUS Collaboration Meeting, CERN, Geneva (CH), November 22, 2000.
M. Laffranchi
Status report on the development of a new purity monitor
ICARUS 600T Parameters Commitee Meeting, INFN, Pavia (I), July 25, 2000.
J. Rico
A status report on the ICARUS T600 detector slow control system
Doktorierendenseminar ETH/UNI an der Universität Zürich (CH), October 4th, 2000.
A. Rubbia
ICANOE activities/milestones in the year 2000
ICARUS/ICANOE Informal Meeting, Gran Sasso (I), February 6th, 2000.
A. Rubbia
Status of Physics simulation
ICANOE Referee, INFN Pavia (I), March 2/3, 2000.
A. Rubbia
Slow control status
ICARUS 600t parameters commitee meeting, INFN, Pavia (I), July 25th, 2000.
A. Rubbia
ICARUS - Status Report
Scientific Committee Meeting, Gran Sasso (I), September 11th, 2000.
A. Badertscher
Member of the Advisory Committee, MENU'01, PSI Villigen, Schweiz (since 2000)
2 Tage
A. Rubbia
Member of "Wahlkommission für Nachfolge Hofer", ETH Zürich, Schweiz (since 2000)
5 Tage
A. Rubbia
Mitglied der Strategiekommission Departement Physik, ETH Zürich, Schweiz (since 1999)
6 Tage
A. Rubbia
Chairman CMS Software and Computing internal review committee, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (since 1999)
3 Tage
A. Rubbia
Member of the ICARUS Executive Committee (since 1998)
4 Tage
A. Rubbia
Member of the ICARUS 600t parameters commitee, INFN, Pavia, Italy (since 1998)
2 Tage
A. Rubbia
Ausstellung Wolfgang Pauli und die moderne Physik
ETH-Zürich (CH), April 5, 2000.
A. Rubbia
Maturandenorientierung: ``Präsentation des Studienganges Physik''
ETH-Zürich (CH), September 13, 2000.
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